San Rocco Video starts from Santorso, after few flat kilometers, we start the climb to Bosco del Tretto:Distan.. Product #: b1218 based on 0 reviews Regular price: 15,00 € 15,00 €

San Rocco

Price: 15,00 €

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* Format:

Video starts from Santorso, after few flat kilometers, we start the climb to Bosco del Tretto:
Distance :7.7 Km: Elevation = 501 Mtr, Max Slope: 8,7%
Video ends after 4 kilometers from the top of the climb.


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1920x1080 San Rocco01

1920x1080 San Rocco01

1920x1080 San Rocco01

1920x1080 San Rocco01

1920x1080 San Rocco01

1920x1080 San Rocco01

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Shipping Cost:
Downloadable Version: FREE

Orders of 69 € or more: FREE

DVD/Blu Ray Version = € 5,00

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