Horn Head Video starts from Dunlewy, where we can see the Dunlewey Lough, after that we run a little climb to .. Product #: b1198 based on 2 reviews Regular price: 24,00 € 24,00 €

Horn Head

Price: 24,00 €

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Video starts from Dunlewy, where we can see the Dunlewey Lough, after that we run a little climb to Muckish Mountain.
After the uhill we go to Horn Head, famous for it's landscapes. Horn Head cliffs rise straight out of the water to a height of about 600 ft/180 m on the ocean side of the peninsula. They are an internationally important colony for breeding seabirds.
Video ends near Milford.

HornHead 88 Alti

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1920x1080 Horn Head01

1920x1080 Horn Head01

1920x1080 Horn Head01

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1920x1080 Horn Head01

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Matthew on 05-11-2017 08:42 PM
This videorace is a really brilliant one, filmed in very smooth colors due to the cloudy weather. Beautiful, very smooth and 'green' landscape. Two nice hills in the beginning, a short, but tough hill in the middle. But the second half - plenty of short and very short 'hills' invite you to go into the red until your legs fall off...
Excellent video quality.
James on 16-12-2017 03:03 PM
Nice video with good quality. Suitable for all levels. Drove these roads many times on holiday so it was nice to experience it on a bike if only on a trainer.
Well worth the price.
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